Placer One

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Placer One in Roseville or Placer County?

Placer One is adjacent to the city of Roseville in unincorporated Placer County.

Will Placer One become part of Roseville?

There are no plans to annex Placer One into the City of Roseville.

What's involved in the initial construction activity?

The first phase of construction is clearing and grading of property where the phase-one homes and parks will be constructed. This initial work is expected to be done by the end of 2022.

Where is construction traffic accessing the area now under development?

Most construction traffic will be from Foothills Blvd. or Sunset Blvd. There may be temporary construction-employee parking along Woodcreek Oaks Blvd. north of Diamond Woods Circle, and there will occasionally be heavy equipment with traffic controls on Fiddyment Road as dirt is being moved.  

What construction activity will follow the initial site work?

Underground infrastructure and topside improvements including curbs, gutters, roads, and streetlights will be implemented in 2023.

What will be built in phase one?

Placer One’s first phase includes the construction of single-family residential neighborhoods, including 769 total home lots, and parks from east of Woodcreek Oaks Blvd. to Fiddyment Road.

When will construction of phase one homes begin?

Timing of home construction is dependent on market conditions, but currently is expected to begin at the end of 2023 or early in 2024.

Who is building the homes?

Specific home builders have not yet been identified.

Is the pond that’s been created in the phase one construction area permanent?

No. The pond was excavated only for construction purposes.

How can you be building so close to the landfill and materials recovery facility?

The Sunset Area Plan, which includes Placer Ranch, includes new policies regarding setbacks and buffers from the Western Placer Waste Management Authority facility. Placer One zoning was developed consistent with those updated policies. The previous one-mile residential buffer no longer applies.

Is Sacramento State planning to develop a Placer County campus as part of Placer One?

Sacramento State is moving forward with plans to develop its Placer Center in partnership with Sierra College. More information is available at

What school districts serve Placer One?

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