Placer One History
The initiative to create a large employment hub in South Placer County extends back more than 50 years and led to the 1997 adoption of the 8,497-acre Sunset Industrial Area Community Plan. An updated Sunset Area Plan and Placer Ranch Specific Plan, now known as Placer One, were approved in December 2019 by the Placer County Board of Supervisors. The California State University in March 2020 established the Sacramento State Placer Center in anticipation of accepting a donation of 300 acres in Placer One for development in collaboration with Sierra College of a new campus to serve 25,000 students.
Taylor Builders is responsible for delivering all infrastructure to Placer One and the Sacramento State Placer Center. Initial site development, which includes infrastructure needed for the university’s first phase and 600 single-family homes, started in the summer 2022 and is expected to be completed by the end of 2023.
Located one mile west of Highway 65 and abutting the City of Roseville to the south, Placer One covers 2,213 acres and includes approximately 5,600 homes, ranging from single-family to high-density styles; approximately 5 million square feet of commercial and retail uses; two schools; approximately 334 acres of park and recreation facilities; and right-of-way for three miles of the Placer Parkway that will connect Highway 65 to Highway 99.